Tubes Analysis

Many things can be discussed in detail about Andrew Bloom’s book Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet, however, only a few topics of interest will be analyzed for their relation to the internet. First, the layout of the book was constructed from a historical concrete analogy to the decoding of where data… Continue reading Tubes Analysis

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Tubes Reflection #3

In the last two chapters of the book Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet, Bloom talks about where information is stored and gives insight into how much coverage the internet provides around the globe. As I mentioned in an earlier post, his reference to the internet as tubes, had to do with… Continue reading Tubes Reflection #3

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Tubes Reflection #2

The third, fourth, and fifth chapters of Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet take us further into how the internet was developed over the course of the last 60 plus years. Finding where the internet began was one thing, but finding how it came together for all of us to be connected… Continue reading Tubes Reflection #2

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Tubes Reflection #1

Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet is a deep dive compilation of how the internet was born and what is in reality. During the first two chapters, the author takes the reader into the history of the internet and how it began from historical physical places to its first electronic processor. To… Continue reading Tubes Reflection #1

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