Building a Portfolio as a Blind Person

This is a reflection on how my portfolio experience has played out over this term.

At the beginning of my senior year at Kennesaw State University, I had no idea that I would be building a website domain in the form of a portfolio. However, this exceeded my expectations from the first week onward. I will say that I as a blind person hit a few road blocks along the way in putting together my site. These challenges came in two forms: managing the visual aspects of the site and putting content on it. To start, the visual aspects were nearly impossible to tackle because of how much limited vision I have. However, I was able to find someone that has had website design experience that was able to assist me in making sure all of my pictures were placed in the proper places as well as making sure that the design of the site meets visual standards. However, the other issue with putting written content on the site was just as challenging. I did know until recently that the web version of WordPress was updated to help users make their site more good looking. This in turn makes putting written material on the site inaccessible for me as a blind user because it doesn’t allow me to put anything more than a picture and the title of my piece. Fortunately, the WordPress application does not have that issue, therefore, it allows me to put all the parts together of a successful post or page filled with content for viewers to access. In short, both my assistant and friend Sara along with the accessible WordPress application have made my journey of making a website domain successful and easier to manage. Moreover, this overall experience has lead me into a huge world of skills that will grant me all sorts of opportunities in creating content for myself and others that will better assist those with disabilities to pursue their dreams with faith and confidence.

Useful Sources:

Infographic Design Process Example:
