Reflection on Memory and Delivery Cannons

Out of all the concepts discussed in his analysis of the internet, the second chapter of Eyman’s text seems to be one of the most understandable sections due to how it can be so relatable to the way most utilize the internet through its many lenses. Two lenses in particular that stand out are how memory and delivery operate within the digital space. Memory and delivery both store and send information within the digital space for all to consume. He of course starts off the explanation of such cannons as he would call them bey referring to the ancient way of their use before diving into today’s version. Ancient people used such devices to speak at events and state their argument to a wide audience with out the need for paper.

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According to him, in today’s day and age such cannons can be applied to the internet in forms of website pages, channels, and blog posts where arguments and conversations can be exchange freely. The only huge difference between ancient delivery and memory and modern, lies in the ever changing styles that its presented in and how that creates a huge explosive community around whatever topic of discussion exists at a certain point in time. Of course, leaving out the concept of where such information exchanges would be incomplete. From a brain to a physical/digital space is what memory has evolved into in order to serve the generations of today and how they produce and challenge arguments on a global scale unseen and unpredicted by earlier thinkers. Most importantly, such cannons give the impression of the internet as a self thinking body that has humans as its neurons plugged into its thought processes in order to show case what was once solid and concrete and rigid into something much more pliable.

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