My Review on What Is Content Writing by Lisa Dush

This is my gathering from the article “When Writing Becomes Content” by Lisa Dush.

The article is very well written in its style, conciseness, and clarity in all of the points addressed. It has a very precise description of what each point means and how it makes content writing unique in contrast or comparison to other styles of writing.

Picture of Computable Content

To start she addressed four points throughout the article that show case what content writing is and how it is special in its own way. However, two of them, money making and computable stood out to me the most, and they were the easiest to remember (Dush, 2015).

What does it mean for digital content to be a money making tool? According to Dush 2015, she says that it gives the writer profit of the content being created whether that is a blog or managing social media content for a company. This means that many people make money from just generating content for themselves or for others. However, that doesn’t always mean that creating content should be done solely for the reason of making money. Dush also states in her 2015 article that it can be done for both personal and business reasons that include academia.

The. second thing that makes content writing special is the fact that it is computable according to Dush’s 2015 paper. What does it mean then for digital content to be computable? In her paper, Dush explains that digital content has to be accessible to all from anywhere at any time. Furthermore, it has to be mined, stored, and retrieved by computers in order for it to exist and be considered content that can be shared across all networks, platforms, and people.These two points specifically highlight the most how digital content is what it is in its most real form and sense of the word and concept.

While all of this is good, there is a down side to her analysis of such a huge topic. She completely ignored the fact that students can do content creation outside the fields of marketing and academia as she so boldly asserts in her paper. This to me seems one sided and closed minded to all of the possibilities of what digital content can be used for, where it could be used, how it can be used, and for what reasons or purposes it can be used with so many opportunities out there to explore. If she had taken this open minded approach from the very beginning, then her analysis of content creation would have been more broad and accepting in the sense of accounting for all the ways and paths someone can be a content writer or developer. Personally, she should have done more exploration to her analysis before writing this article in order to give readers a more in depth understanding of what content creation can do for the society in all avenues. However, I will again give her praise for doing the best she could in her research in coming up with the best way or ways to define this broad and useful subject.

