Twitter Application Rhetoric Reflection

Twitter is one of the best places for showing off digital rhetoric. For example, one person wrote last Wednesday at 22:15, relationships are like Indian food where in the beginning they are hot and spicy, and at the end they leave people wondering why on the toilet.

twitter post

How then does it fit Eyman’s definition of digital argument of being just that when one’s position is posted within a digital space. First of all, it is very direct in what the author is trying to convey to everyone who can relate to it. Not only was it direct, but it made me as one of the audience that has caused me to think about how true that is in so many ways. Of course, such interesting thoughts have even sparked a conversation around his post in replies that have formed a conversation around the topic of how sour relationships can get. This uses all of if not a couple of the cannons that show case its uniqueness. The use of delivery cannon is the most prominent here because it has a very hidden and yet simultaneously clear in its intended message. The words that are used in the post itself make the reader want to add their own interesting thoughts and responses to the mix. Memory is also used in this application in terms of having the same tweet being retweeted many times over the span of this past week. To make it even better, this specific string of tweets are traceable back to the original source as the app was designed to do. In all honesty, it was a bit complicated to find the right tweet to describe how these cannons could be used in show casing digital rhetoric, but in the end it was well worth it.

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