Career Resources

This is my reflection on the Disability Link virtual career fair.

Virtual Career Fair — Disability Link

My first career event of the semester was attending an off campus event virtually. This event was hosted by disability link who was the agency where my summer internship was conducted this past summer. This was their first career fair. Multiple employers were there, however, the two I attended were called Faith Medical Services and Just Us Opportunities. Faith Medical Services was an agency that provides home care services to disabled patients. Their jobs were mainly focused on health care management and personal care assistant positions. However, it was really nice to know that there is such an agency to give help to those in need. The second employer of interest was Just Us Opportunities. This company is the middle man for hiring subcontractors to work for other companies that need customer support agents to take in inbound calls on a very flexible schedule of their making. Also, they get to get trained with their chosen company before starting business with them. The coolest part about this agency is that it can hire those who have absolutely no work experience in the customer service industry. All in all, this event gave me some more insight as to some unique employers that hire disabled people. For an online event it was very successful and well put together by Disability Link, not to mention that this was their very first fair as stated above.

Picture of FSA inc. logo

KSU Career Fair

Here is my reflection on the KSU career fair this semester. The second career event of the semester for me was the KSU career fair. It was in person, which gave me the chance to walk around and visit with employers personally to discuss. What jobs they were looking for this semester. I attended five companies which included: People Lift, Igniting Hope, Quick Trip, Aldi, and Cox Communications. For Cox Communications, they do both internship and full time employment opportunities for students and recent graduates. They do have writing and communication opportunities that I can apply for in the future that can give me more opportunities to show case my knowledge in content development. With Ignite Hope, they have similar positions, however, they were Christian based, and they were not very open to other faiths in allowing them to work in top level leadership positions. Fortunately, they do offer both internship and full time positions for other aspects of the organization for professional and personal growth. Cox Communications has both internship and full time employment opportunities for students starting as early as next semester. They hire in Every state, and they have both in person and remote options available fro doing work. Unlike the other organizations, they not only hire all majors to do content based work or other tasks as directed, but they also had some swag that included a small water bottle and a tiny non-sticky hand sanitizer tube for travel. Aldi has a ten week summer internship opportunity that students can attend where they start off working in the stores doing regular tasks such as stocking, and eventually they can use such skills as writing and communication to tell the higher ups what is missing or running low in supply. However, they can also take these skills to the warehouses and get some experience in managing the supply chain system within each warehouse to make sure that the store gets all the items for sale it needs for its customers. Quick Trip was one of the most flexible companies that can hire students of all majors especially in the fields of writing and communication. They allow entry level employees to work at the stores by having them do tasks such as cashier work or stocking just like with Aldi. However, unlike Aldi, they do not offer internships at this time, but for regular employment, they allow students to work their way up through the system to get to a writing or communication heavy position that goes past day to day operations tasks as described above. Finally, People Lift is the middle man hiring company for all other companies for all sorts of positions. They take the administrative hassle from actual employers, and let them just be the boss of their new employees or interns. This makes the hiring process a lot more efficient for companies working with this organization because they can focus more on their professional development as businesses and people and less on the task of hiring people itself. For my first KSU fair, I had a very worthwhile experience. The organizers of the event were very helpful with guiding me around to all the companies, and all of the employers were very open and informative about the work that they do and how they can pass that on to students.

Picture of KSU Career Fair

KSU Virtual Graduate Fair

This is my reflection on the KSU graduate school fair that was conducted online. Graduate school was always at the for front of my mind after graduating with a Bachelor’s degree. However, I did not know how to go about applying for it. Fortunately, I was able to attend the online graduate fair at KSU a few weeks back. This career event answered all the questions I had about what needs to be submitted and done to ensure successful entry to my graduate program of choice down the road. My three biggest concerns lied within the realms of how to find the right program for me, how to apply, and how far in advance should I start the application process. To start, finding the right program was pretty self explanatory. I just have to do a Google search on my program’s offerings in the masters or PH.D. Levels. however, it takes more than just finding the results I need on Google. I have to do a deep dive into each school to see if their program offerings match what I expect to get out of them in the end. Once I have found my program of choice that meets my expectations, I next have to submit an application to the university of choice with three letters of recommendation, a purpose statement, financial aid documentation, and sample work if necessary. The letters of recommendation have to be from either employers or preferably professors detailing why i would be a good candidate for the selected program. however, the statement of purpose is more about why i myself meet the requirements of my chosen graduate program to be considered for possible acceptance. In conclusion, this workshop has given me the knowledge I need to pursue graduate school down the road with ease. Unlike undergraduate degree programs, graduate degrees require applicants to apply well in advance as far out as a year to ensure that all documents are prepared and submitted on time. With this knowledge, my chances of achieving such a goal will be very successful in the long run.

Picture of Virtual Interview

Career Fair Schedule
