Reflection on Cannons of Eyman

There are three cannons that stand out in his book Digital Rhetoric to me that are worth exploring. They include: invention, delivery, and memory. In memory, this can be analyzed from the perspective of using digital spaces to store information within servers, databases, and other places for ease of success for both users and application/website development. However, delivery has its own unique digital presence within the web. This presence can range from emails to electronic documents like memos for example. Eyman even points this out in the section on delivery as to how this cannon is seen within the digital realm. Invention is quite the character when it comes to the digital world. It doesn’t seem like it would be of importance, but it is in every aspect of digital content of any kind. This cannon is noticeable whenever someone posts a tweet, or if an article is produced for journals.

Image of Book Cover

The most interesting analysis of all three cannons would be how they all form into a huge combination of digital goodness. The best example for this collection would be websites, especially those sites that utilize data collection for storage and repair purposes. Many examples come to mind, but one of the greatest would include Youtube for the simple fact of it being multi-modal within all three cannons. For the case of memory, it uses login information through its host company Google to help users easily log in into their accounts by using their Gmail. In terms of delivery, the platform uses keywords and watch history to show more of what the user likes or doesn’t like in order for them to have the best experience by using both visual and audio modes of displaying content. Finally, invention is the best cannon that YouTube has to offer due to its multi-modal functions present in order to produce quality videos.

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